Thursday, July 27, 2006

Commerce, Finally

Praise Jesus.

The Walgreens has finally opened up near my house.

Now I won't either have to trek to Chatham, Hyde Park or the Loop in order to pick up medicine or take advantage of the great weekly sales.

Because I don't have a car trying to get to Walmart or Target is troublesome. What's even worse is carrying my purchases home. Only so much will fit into a grocery cart.

So I sat down one day with my Sunday ads and did side by side price comparisons of the sale goods that Target and Walgreens offered. It turned out that the prices were either a wash or there wasn't that much of a difference.

The bright light popped on and I came to the conclusion that instead of schlepping to Target or begging for a ride, that I would simply hit the five Walgreens near my work to get my household items.

You see my friends I like to buy in bulk and I like to clip coupons. What can I say---I'll spend money on good hooch but shop for the best value for my dish soap.

Go figure?

Plus I don't want to be left stranded on the toliet when there's two feet of snow on the ground and I have no toliet paper.

Now that's a lonely and uncomfortable feeling.

The only drawback is I have to get to items from work to home.

At the worst it takes several weeks worth of trips. If I'm lucky I can convince a friend to come and pick me up after work and I just load up all of my stuff.

Now with a Walgreens three blocks away this process just got a whole lot less involved.

My big late summer/early fall stock up is in full effect, yo!

At least you guys know where to write if you need some cleanser or paper goods.

1 comment:

Robinsen Clerk said...

I appreciate you considering me for this position. I look forward to hearing from you.