Saturday, April 29, 2006


Yesterday was pretty ho hum---a typical day at the corporate grindstone.

When I went into the blog to check for comments and to tweak my template I noticed a distinct jump in my counter numbers.

I was confused.

After checking my stats---you know I love watching you watch me---I discovered the reason why.

Cinnamon from Gapers Block has found my little labor of love worthy for their discriminating readership.

To say I was stunned would be an understatement.

I Hate My Developer was born mostly out of frustration and partly for my friend’s peace of mind.

People’s eyes started glazing over when I shared the latest injustice to befall our condo association. I figured that if people were so interested in what was going on with that particular slice of my life, they would logon and read.

No matter how much you like someone; there is a threshold for hearing about their problems.

Plus there are far more compelling things to discuss like the recently outed mobster Vito on The Sopranos.

I know it’s fiction and all but that kid is about to face a shit storm that makes our problems look like child’s play.

But I digress.

Welcome newbies. I hope that these posts can inform and make you a smarter consumer with respect to purchasing new construction or a rehab.

It’s also important to me to underscore the fact that you can make a difference against adversity. I know it sounds hokey and clichéd, but it’s true. Perseverance, patience and documentation are the key.

You don’t have to play the bitch unless you want to.

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