Thursday, January 08, 2009

Post Script

Just wanted to keep you all in the loop on a couple of recent developments:

Per my expectations, the driver responsible for my latest bootleg cab experience has been found liable of violating the municipal code of Chicago.

I bet you he won't ask another person to prepay if they happen to live on the south side.

When will people learn that one way or the other, that they'll pay the price for their ignorance.

My Developer, Carlton Knight, goes back to court on the 12th of this month. He wil appear before the Hon. William Pileggi in regards to the buidling violations in the Marquette Road condo development.

Naturally, I'm sure there will be yet another loophole for him to slip through to not comply with the building codes.

Go figure.

Rumor has it that he was granted more time by Judge Pileggi due to the fact that he was making an effort to move forward on the work.

I wonder if the good judge would be as understanding with Mr. Knight if he knew the intersting circumstances surrounding the single family townhome at 32nd & Rhodes.

Now I will say that my time has been spent the past year or so scratching around, looking for and keeping multiple jobs.

So my Inch High Private Eye game may be off a bit.

But the last time I checked, Mr. Knight did not have a valid City of Chicago real estate developer's license.

Furthermore, the property at 32nd & Rhodes was supposed to continue to be a hole in the ground until Mr. Knight got his seemingly questionable permits approved by way of a legitimate developer's license.

Clearly that wasn't the case.

Per this listing the single family townhome is nearing completion and delivery.

Now Mr. Knight could have applied for and received his real estate developer's license.

He could have sold the property and another limited liability company (or corporation) may have scooped it up.

This project may be totally on the up and up.

Yet if Mr. Knight is still heavily involved---and I tend to think he is---I would consider his past real estate efforts and total up the wins for the owners in the won/loss column.

You tell me who comes out wanting.

So let's play hypothetical.

If I'm a "real estate developer" who dosen't have a City of Chicago real estate developer's license and yet I still get permits and the like pushed through one of two things springs to mind---I either said that the development was for myself and turn around and put it on the commercial market


Things are not as squeeky clean and monitored as the city would like us to believe.

Hypothetically speaking of course.

Lastly, you've never seen a happier woman than me watching the salt trucks go down our humble little street last night.

What was previously a two block ice rink prior to a drastic turn around in snow removal and salting policy has now become a passable throughfare.

Which is good considering I'm all gimpy from my recent tumble.


Erin said...

I had a similar experience last summer with a cab taking me home from Midway. I asked him to take 55th street, instead of LSD via Cicero as it was rush hour. He refused and I rephrased my request, saying, "you will take 55th street" and then he proceeded to drive 30 mph, backing up traffic for miles. When I was clearly getting frusterated with his speed, he leaned over and said, "gee, I could have gone faster if we'd taken my way." And then it started to get weird. He asked me if I was mormon. I said no, why? And he said, because you're white (????!). Then he pulled over at a gas station to get a pack of cigarrettes. I called 311 and complained about him while still in the cab and he got very, very angry and so I decided to get out of the cab at 55th and Dan Ryan (I paid though, don't worry). I decided to walk home from there (2 miles!). He drove off but circled back around to harrass me, shouting something about me being a "white bitch" while I was standing at the corner of 55th and King.
Unfortunately, the paper work from the city did not arrive to my house in time for me to formalize the complaint. That was a bad experience and it still surprises me how ignorant cabbies can be about our neighborhood.

kblog said...

I clicked on the link to that home. Did you notice that the listing agent's last name is also Knight? Hmmm....I wonder if they are related?