Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lake Meadows

It was with great interest that I tripped on down to the Daley Center to take a gander at case number 2009-M1-716905.

Apparently Carlton Knight established a new real estate business venture named Real Dealz.

Unfortunately it seems that things weren't going so well for this new enterprise.

According to court documents, Lake Meadows Shopping Center is in the middle of legal action with Mr. Knight arising from non payment of rent from August of 2008 to July of 2009 for space C-3 located at 3357 South King Drive.

Those same documents allege that Mr. Knight doing business as Real Dealz, owe Lake Meadows $19,229.00.


While it appears that Lake Meadows took back possession of the unit on October 9, 2009; the money damages portion of the court order was continued until October 14th.

Let that sink in.

They got back possession of their property but don't (according to the court documents) have their money.

Perhaps the good folks at Lake Meadows need to confer with the nice folks at Inland Bank so they'll have some idea of how quickly their money will be forthcoming.

I'm sure that would be an interesting conversation.


kblog said...

You are so resourceful! You ought to be a private investigator! LOL

The Woodlawn Wonder said...

Thanks kblog!

Can you believe a resourceful rock star such as myself is unemployed? Go figure...