Wednesday, January 09, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

Like him or loathe him, Al Gore may have had a point about this global warming thing.

Three days ago, it was 70 degrees.

70 degrees. In January. In Chicago.

Let that sink in for a minute.

I don’t think we have to wait until this current generation of children grown up before we start noticing severe climate changes.

If this foolishness keeps up Joliet and Cicero will become prime lake front property.

Aside from this obvious problem, the big snow that the Chicagoland area received a few weeks ago has melted.

Usually I’m used to seeing the soggy trash strewn ground in late March or early April. This year my winter malaise came a few months early.

I took it upon myself to pick up the gross, wet trash that had blown in front of our buildings.

Frankly I don’t know where all of the trash comes from as we religiously pick up in front of our property. I guess the wind must carry it down the street.

It may just be me, but it seems that a bulk of the trash on our side of the street comes to rest in-between the spokes of our gates.

As I donned the gloves and filled up the bag, I noticed a significant demographic shift concerning the neighborhood refuse.

Our little neck of the woods must be on the come up as the discarded liquor and beer bottles have changed from malt liquor, Hennessey & rotgut label brands.

Now I’m picking up Fat Tire bottles, Guinness empties and all sorts of premium high priced vodka bottles. Someone was thoughtful enough to leave an empty case of Patron tequila near the curb.

Say what you will about Woodlawn but at least someone around here is drinking well

1 comment:

The North Coast said...

However large a threat global warming might be to our agriculture and our civilization, it is a difficult call because the effects are very difficult to predict.

A much larger and more immediate threat to our daily well-being is looming over us right now, and I am waiting for the Hypocrite Al Gore to name it.

I'm waiting for our presidential candidates to talk about it. Oh, yeah, they make noises about alternative fuels and biomass (a fraud!)and sometimes relocalization of farming and industry, but nobody wants to upset the sheeple out here by suggesting that their lives as currently constituted will be unliveable in 10 years or less, unless there is one helluva big oil about 300 Billion barrels of light, sweet crude somewhere in the western hemisphere.

Which is not bloody likely.

So far only Roscoe Bartlett, a Maryland Republican, has confronted the issue squarely.

Perhaps I should be glad that Al, the guy with the 12,000 sq ft house in the Belle Meade section of Nashville that uses TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND KwH worth of electricity a year, has not glommed onto the peak oil issue yet, because he bears massive responsibility for causing environmental and conservation issues to be labeled elitists concerns of people who care more about nature than people. I am so glad that he managed, AFTER be excoriated in the press, to reduce his usage a whole, whopping 10% by means of solar panels and heat exchangers.

THat means he only uses 190,000 KwH per year. I don't know how you use that much. My apt, the office I work in, my mother's house where she leaves every light burning, and our other office, plus my sister's house, all rolled together, don't use anything like that much. I use 125KwH a month, or right around 1500KwH a year, and I'm not making sacrifices.

Why, why, WHY are our politicians so steadfastly ignoring Peak Oil? There is no problem confronting us that will cause so much destruction to our food supply and our ability to stay warm and clean, as the looming, permanent oil drawdown, and the loss of everyday amenities that have made the difference between a life of relative comfort and long life spans even for the poor, vs. hardship and early death for nearly everyone but the uber-rich, if we lose access to the incredible amenities given us by cheap power.

Our challenge is to get the population of this country behind the effort to reduce our consumption of oil by 50% a year, at least, to create the "demand destruction" that would help reduce prices, and most of all, enable us to live comfortably on much less consumption. It is especially important to engage poor people, because it is the poor and near-poor who will suffer the first and the most, from loss of jobs as the economy goes over the cliff; from rapidly escalating prices of necessities like food, heat, and medicine; from total destitution and homelessness for more people as we enter a fierce contest for basic survival.

You never hear Al Gore, or our idiotic little mayor, talk about these basic things, as they and their fellow phony-environmental travelers tout hybrid cars and green roofs and recycling. Not that these things are not good, it's just that it's going to take more than a few well-heeled people with ludicrously unecological lifestyles, giving green lip-service to turn the ship.